Healing from narcissistic abuse

mend these wounds and access your voice again.

narcissistic abuse can leave deep, and complicated scars.

Narcissistic abuse can impact our overall trust and comfort in relationships, making it hard to move forward and let new people in. This type of abuse can also leave someone with extreme levels of self-doubt, questioning themselves on decisions, ideas, or instincts they may have. Processing this type of abuse can help you access more fulfilling relationships and learn to trust yourself again.

Heal from the abuse and reconnect with yourself.

Is this therapy for me?

  • You’ve been in relation with someone (e.g., family member, romantic relationship, friendship, work colleague/boss) who exhibited narcissistic behaviors (e.g., lack of empathy, sense of entitlement/grandiose sense of self, high criticism of others, extreme jealously and need to control others, etc.).

  • In this relationship, you’ve been a victim of one or more of the following: gaslighting, blatant dismissal/ignoring of your boundaries, nitpicking/high criticism, emotional blackmail, controlling behavior, social isolation.

  • You commonly doubt or question yourself and find it hard to make decisions.

  • You find relationships to be extremely difficult. It always feels like you’re doing something wrong or at risk of losing a person from your life.

  • You have a hard time taking up space in a relationship. You don’t want to burden people with your problems or your preferences and prefer to not “rock the boat.”